Wednesday, September 27, 2006


The IESA Sectional scheduled for October 7 will be held at our home course.
The Girls Varsity Race is slated to start at 3:00 p.m.
The Boys Varsity Race is start about 30 minutes after the girls race. (approx. 3:30)
Their will be an Open Race this year at the Sectional and it will follow the Boys Race. (approx. 4:00)

Runners should arrive at 1:45 p.m. We are in charge of the course walk and it is scheduled to start at 2:00.

-A plaque shall be awarded to the first and second place teams at the Sectional.
-Individual ribbons will be presented to the competitors of the first and second place team winners in Sectional competition.
-Ribbons will be presented to the top 10 individuals at the Sectional.

Teams Competing in our Sectional are:

Chatham Glenwood
East St. Louis Clark
East St. Louis Lincoln
East St. Louis Younge
Edwardsville Liberty
Edwardsville Lincoln
Jacksonville Turner
Springfield Franklin
Springfield Grant
Springfield Jefferson
Springfield Washington

Advancement to State
-The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Sectional teams, plus the top 5 individuals not on one of the top three teams shall advance to the State Meet.